The Symptom Of A Disease Isn’t The Disease

Although you may think you have found the best medicine for your particular health condition, you will not truly be healed unless you stop creating or maintaining its causes. The law of cause and effect applies to everything in life. You may succeed in stopping the symptoms of an illness, but this will only force your body to push the toxic substances into its ‘deeper’ structures, including the tissues of the organs, joints and bones. Since suppressing toxins makes them ‘disappear’ from the network of general circulation, the body’s ability to tolerate them seems to improve temporarily.
This, of course, gives you the leeway to hold on to even more toxins without developing any obvious signs of ill health. If the first lines of the body’s defense system were still intact, the body would readily deal with this buildup of toxins by manifesting a cold, a fever or an infection. You would

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