Definition Of Disease In The Context Of Vaccines And Immunity

Before I illustrate how vaccines cause, and not prevent disease, let us first define ‘disease’ in the context of vaccines and immunity.
It has long been known that in some illnesses such as measles, chickenpox and scarlet fever, one bout of the illness usually provides lifelong immunity. A second experience with measles or scarlet fever is extremely rare. Why is that so? That is because nature has gifted the human body with wonderful natural armor – an in-built immunity – that protects the body by kicking in after a bout of a particular disease.
Till modern science unraveled the secrets of the immune system, the concepts of medicine formulated in the 19thcentury were in part based on the understanding of medicine by the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates. According to Hippocrates, an illness manifests itself as signs and symptoms that travel from the inner vital organs and blood circulation to the outer surface of

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